End of Grade 2
Dear Hayden,
Today, you finished the second grade. It was a very interesting year for you. YOu learned so much about American history, did a 6-week study on Charlotte’s Web, studied insects extensively, including completing an individual project on the grasshopper with a 3D model you made out of clothespins. Almost everything academic came easy for you this year. You had 3 teachers this year, too, because halfway through the year, Mrs. Clipner had a baby and Mrs. Severson took her place teaching your class with miss Chatel.
There was a lot of social learning this year, too. You had some rough moments with friends that you had to work your way through. You also learned a powerful lesson about telling the truth — one that I know I don’t need to recount here because I don’t think you’ll ever forget it.
You are more artistic than ever — so very creative. You continued to love art class this year and choose art as your preferred activity and you participated in the third quarter art club, too. You also enjoyed music class a lot.
In addition to school activities, second grade brought you basketball, and another successful year in both piano lessons and girl scouts.
I am endlessly proud of who you are. You have a sense of self that shines through as true authenticity. I adore you.
Love you,
Dear Owen,
Today, you are 5 and a half! You are such a cool kid. You are always thinking about something. You are often quiet for a little bit and then you’ll ask a question or two. I’m consistently impressed by what you know and what you are able to figure out on your own. You are a sensitive little guy, too. I love to see the way you think about how certain situations will affect others. You are a very dynamic human being. I am so lucky to be your mom!
Love you,
Kindergarten Bound!
Dear Owen,
Tonight, you are a preschool graduate. I have so many emotions about this! You are such an amazing kid. You are sensitive, smart and funny. You have the best laugh I’ve ever heard and you are reading like a boss. I am so grateful to Miss Sue for the 3 years she spent investing in you, Owen. She has loved you endlessly, been so very patient with you and taught you more new things than I can even begin to list here.
You are a part of a very special group of boys because of preschool, too. You are all very special friends and you have just a fantastic time together! You are going to miss these little buddies like crazy. Lucky for you, though, I’ve become pretty close to their mamas, so we still see them quite a bit!
I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. I am excited for you to start elementary school and experience everything new and wonderful about it. If I’m totally honest, though, I am a little bit sad. This milestone marks the end of your little years. You won’t be my morning muddy a couple of days a week again, like this year. I will miss you tremendously. To put it in the words of my very favorite book about being a mama: “If I could keep you little, I’d keep you close to me… but then I’d miss out on seeing you become who you were meant to be.”
Love you, Buddy.
Preschool Fun!
Dear Owen and Bennett,
You have had such an amazing year in preschool. It was interesting to have you both in preschool at the same time — I drove to Miss Sue’s every day, it was just a matter of who got dropped off! Anyway, Miss Sue is awesome and she created such a special place for you to learn and grow.
Owen, you were in class with the same 4 guys you’ve been with for 3 years. Bennett, you were in class with 4 of the cutest little girls in the whole world!
You both had some amazing experiences and a ton of fun, so I wanted to be sure you had some of the pictures here!
Love you,
Dear H, O and B,
We got to spend some time with your cousins this weekend. It was so nice to see them and you all had a great time together. I really, really wish we lived closer to each other!
Love you,
Spring Sports
Dear Hayden and Owen,
This spring, you both played sports at CCV. Hayden, you played your second season of Basketball and Owen, you played your first season of soccer. You both had so much fun playing and we love to watch you play!
Love you,
Dancin’ Duo!
Dear Hayden,
Tonight, you and Dad went to the Girl Scout Daddy/Daughter dance. I hear it was fantastic! You are a lucky little lady to have this special guy in your life.
Love you,
Easter 2016
Dear H, O and B,
We had a great Easter. Uncle Darryl and Andrea were in town, so everyone spent most of the day here hanging out! We dyed eggs yesterday and we went to church last night because we go to the Saturday night service at our church. This morning we got up, had resurrection buns, and played with Easter basket stuff. It was a great day!
Love you,
Half way to Nine!
Dear Hayden,
I cannot believe you are already eight and a half! You are such a wise kid, Hayden. You are growing up so quickly and I am continually amazed at teh insight adn wisdom you bring to each situation you encounter. I love you, sweet girl.
Love you,
Spring Break Adventure!
Dear H, O and B,
This week, we went on an Arizona adventure! You were home on spring break and Dad had to work, so we spent some time all over Arizona! We spent the first weekend at the Harrs’ cabin in Mund’s Park, then, we went up to Flag for a couple of days. After that, we drove through Phoenix and met dad for lunch and then headed down to Tucson to spend a couple of days with Grandma and Jiddoh! We had a great time! I love making memories with you!
Love you,