Archive for April, 2010

Another Look!

Dear Baby,

Today we got all checked in with Dr. Branaman. We got to see you and hear your heartbeat today… that sound takes my breath away!

Love you,

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A Quick Update

Dear Hayden,

Just wanted to post a quick update with some new picture of fun and funny things that have been happening!

Love you,

If you have not napped and you swing in the afternoon, you fall asleep in it:

You are getting very good at making Hs. Sometimes you paint with watercolors in the bathtub:

If I leave my duffle bag out to pack for a trip, you like to climb inside it:

Sometimes you say, “I’m going to relax.” Then, you put your feet up and put your hands behind your head. This even happens at PetSmart when you and Dad are getting litter:

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First Glance

Dear Baby,

Today we got to see you and your precious little heartbeat! We are so excited about you!

Love you,

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Easter 2010

Dear Hayden,

We had a very nice Easter this year! We went to church, you hunted for eggs and found stuff the Easter bunny left you, and then we went to lunch with Nana, Papa, Grandma and Jiddoh. After lunch we came home and colored Easter eggs, which you loved!! Grandma and Jiddoh spent a lot of time with you on Saturday because Dad and I had to take a class. You got a new bike with training wheels and Jiddoh taught you how to ride it! Overall, it was a great Easter weekend!!

Love you,

A tantrum before church

Easter basket

Hunting for eggs

Checking out the eggs

Your first Peep

New bike

Coloring eggs

Coloring eggs


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