Archive for May, 2013

A Promise to Outserve

Dear Hayden,

Tonight we took you with us to Amanda and Kyle’s wedding! It was the first wedding you’ve attended that you were old enough to thoroughly enjoy! You were a little wiggly during the ceremony, but you watched each important part of the reception with very special attention! You danced and danced and danced until it was 11:15 and Dad and I decided we had to get you home! You had an absolute blast, and it was so fun to be there with you. I’ve already told you what I think about weddings — that you’ll go to so many of them, so you really have to just pick one think you’ll remember — for this wedding I have two — the first is watching you enjoy it so very much and the second is that PR explained to Amanda and Kyle that marriage is a promise to outserve — to constantly try to be better and better to the person to whom you are married. I love this idea — it’s brilliant and it works! Amanda and Kyle have been a very special part of our lives as they have spent a lot of time with us getting ready to be married, so this was a special night for all of us. We are all so very happy for them!

Love you,

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Preschool Graduation!

Dear Hayden,

Tonight, after three years at Peace Lutheran Preschool, you walked across the stage at graduation! We had a fun family dinner beforehand with Nana, Papa, Darryl and Andrea. This event was emotional for me because this means you are headed off to kindergarten, and your little years are making way for bigger ones. I have loved having little you with me so much, and I will miss you terribly when you head off to elementary school. I am so grateful to God that you are happy, healthy and more than ready for everything kindergarten will bring, though. I know you are going to have an amazing time at school and make memories that you will share with your children and your children’s children. We love you and we are so proud of who you are becoming!

Love you,

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10 Months Old!

Dear Bennett,

Today you are ten months old! You have such a fun, easy going personality! You are a BIG boy and you are such a cutie!

Love you,

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{Standing Up} date

Dear Bennett,

Today, you decided to stand up so you could see ALL of the toys in the toy box! You are not crawling yet, but you do scoot around everywhere upright and you’ve gotten quite efficient at getting anywhere you want to go sitting up! You are a big boy, so maybe that’s easier!

Love you,

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