Archive for December, 2009

Wedding Rehearsal

Dear Hayden,

On Saturday, you are going to be a flower girl in Renee and Josh’s wedding! The rehearsal was today and you did a great job!

Love you,

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Dear Hayden,

You had a blast during our Christmas Eve and Christmas day festivities! Christmas Eve we went to dinner at Nana and Papa’s and then we went to church — you were a sheep in the nativity scene — very cute! You had a grand time Christmas morning — Santa brought you a doll house and Uncle Ramsey and Aunt Lisa had a pink pedal car parked under the tree for you, too! We had a great Christmas dinner with all four of your grandparents and Ken and Marcia. You can’t wait to do it again next year!

Love you,

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Holiday Fun!

Dear Hayden,

We have done some really fun things to celebrate the holidays lately! We went to a holiday circus at Nana’s work, we went to Zoo Lights, we watched the snowfall at Desert Ridge, and went down to Glendale Glitters. You are a great age for the holidays this year… you are amazed by it all and loving every minute.

Love you,

The Circus:

Zoo Lights:

Snowfall at Desert Ridge:

Glendale Glitters:

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Christmas Wonder

Dear Hayden,

Today I caught you staring at the tree in wonder. It’s so fun to watch you enjoy Christmas this year!

Love you,

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Dear Hayden,

Just wanted to tell you that you won second place in the photo contest at swim school! You will be swimming for free for a little bit with your reward — $250 in swimming lessons! Yahoo!! It is a lifesaving skill, and you love it, so we think it is worth every penny, but it sure is nice that a picture of sweet little you has earned us some free lessons!

Love you,

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Dear Hayden,

Santa came to church on Sunday night for all the children to sit on his lap and tell them what they want him to bring for Christmas. You have been telling everyone that you asked Santa for a Barbie. Here are the pics. You are definitely not crazy about sitting on the big guy’s lap!

Love you,

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Splish Splash Photo Contest

Dear Hayden,

We entered a photo contest at your swim school. The rules of the contest were that you had to be wearing your swimsuit that you wear to swim school, and be playing in the bathtub in a 3 picture series. There are probably a lot of people entering the contest, so we are not expecting to with the prize (5 months of free swimming!) but it was fun just to participate!

Love you,

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