Archive for December, 2010

Good Morning Time!

Dear H and O,

We have had some good family time while Dad has been home from work for the holidays. We have a good time hanging out in our pajamas and enjoying “Good Morning Time” as you call it, Hayden.

Love you,

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A Refuge

Dear H and O,

It’s midnight and I can’t sleep. I’m up thinking of you… praying for you… hoping for you. Thinking about the moments when all of this came together, praying for God’s presence and provision in your lives, hoping you will always know how very loved you are. I have no words for how honored I feel to be your mom. Nothing could have prepared me for the flood of pure joy and unconditional  love I feel for you. You’ll always have a refuge here.

Love you,

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Christmas Festivities!

Dear H and O,

We had some great celebrations over the last two days with friends and family! On Christmas Eve, we went to Nana and Papa’s for dinner and then we went to church. Hayden, you were an angel in the nativity skit in the first service, and Owen, you were baby Jesus and I was Mary in the skit in the second service. Christmas morning was fun, too! You opened gifts from Santa and everyone else, and then Ken and Marcia came up from Tucson to join us for Christmas dinner. We had an amazing time — you two make everything seem like magic. Yes. Pure magic.

Love you,

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Santa Suit!

Dear Owen,

Tonight we dressed you in a little Santa suit we have on loan from a friend from church. You make a really cute Santa!

Love you,

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First Haircut

Dear Hayden,

Today, you got your first haircut! You are three years old, so it’s long overdue, but I kept putting it off because I feel like it’s the last of the “baby” firsts. You already had your other little firsts: smile, laugh, crawl, walk, talk. I was hanging on to this one because it made you still seem so little to me. Anyway, the time came that we just had to do it, so today was the day. They gave you a little trim, you had a great time, and your hair looks beautiful.

Love you,

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More Christmas Fun!

Dear Hayden,

You had a lot of Christmas fun at school today! This morning, your class had a Christmas party — you built gingerbread houses, had a dance party, had a book exchange and played Christmas Bingo. This evening, all of the kids in your school put on a Christmas program. Dad, Owen, Nana, Papa and I were all there to see you sing!

Love you,

Gingerbread Houses:

Dance Party:

Book Exchange:

Christmas Bingo:

Christmas Program:

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One Month Old!

Dear Owen,

Today, you are one month old. You have grown so much! You are busting out of your newborn clothes, so we are getting ready to pack them away because the 0-3 month size is fitting you much better! You weigh almost 9 pounds now! You are getting pretty good at holding your head up and you are finally starting to like baths. This month has flown by — it feels like you were just born yesterday, but it also feels like you’ve been a part of our family forever.

Love you,

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A Special Announcement

Dear Owen,

Your birth announcement went out with our Christmas card today. We feel so blessed to be introducing you to the world as the newest member of our famiy.

Love you,

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Meeting Santa and the Christmas Card!

Dear Hayden and Owen,

For today’s holiday activity, we met Santa in the park. Hayden, you were a little starstruck at first, but then you got very comfortable. You also liked Rudolph — you were giving him “knuckles” as we were leaving!  Owen, you were happy to be held by the big guy in the red suit! Also, our Christmas card went out today!

Love you,

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Side by Side

Dear Hayden and Owen,

Thought you might like to see how much you look alike! It’s really amazing!

Love you,

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