Archive for March, 2010

You are on your way to us!

Dear Baby,

Today we learned that you are on the way! This is such exciting news to us because we have been hoping and praying for you for well over a year now. Your little life is proof that prayers do get answered and that everything comes in its own time. We love you already and can’t wait to include you in this fun family! Your sister is going to be so excited to meet you!

Love you,

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A Tea Party with Daddy!

Dear Hayden,

Today you went to a tea party for Lily’s birthday. I couldn’t take you because I had another obligation, so Dad took you. After the party, Angie sent me this sweet picture of you and Hannah Jane snuggled up with Dad to watch Lily open her presents! Dad is wearing your tea hat! Too funny!

Love you,

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Another Look at Motherhood

Dear Hayden,

There are few things I llke more than listening to or reading other mothers’ thoughts on motherhood. It’s amazing how universal this experience is, all the while being so individual, because I am the only one in the world who gets to mother you. Tonight I went to a lecture with one of my favorite authors, and she shared an exerpt from one of her books — it resonated with me so profoundly that I had to share it with you here:

I am your mother, the first mile of your road. Me and all my obvious and hidden limitations. That means that in addition to possibly wrecking you, I have the chance to give you what was given to me: a decent childhood, more good memories than bad, some values, a sense of tribe, a run at happiness. You can’t imagine how seriously I take that… mothering you is the first thing of consequence I have ever done.

I love you,

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Oops-a-Daisy: Your first trip to the ER

Dear Hayden,

Yesterday you took your frist trip to the ER. We were eating lunch at Costco with Elizabeth and the boys and you got up to walk with me to the trash can. You tripped on your own feet and took the corner of a bench to the corner of your eye. It didn’t require stitches, but they did butterfly bandage it. I took a fall very similar to this when I was 3. You were cracking everyone up at the ER — but you did not like being held down for the cleaning and bandaging at all!! They told us it’s going to heal nicely and you will be just fine!

Love you,

You (2010):

Mom (1982):

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Surprisingly Sentimental

Dear Hayden,

This morning I made you a dress out of one of your dad’s old work shirts. I found myself surprisingly sentimental while I was sewing because my favorite moment each day is when your dad gets home from work — you run right into his arms and bury your face in his work shirt. We are so lucky to have each other.

Love you,

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