Archive for November, 2015


Dear Owen,

Today, you are five. This seems impossible to me as I remember bringing you home – a tiny baby – just in time for the holidays and it feels like it was yesterday!

You are a sensitive and intense individual. We love how much you feel things, because it makes us all remember to think about other people’s feelings. You are also the silliest guy around! You love to make up silly words, tell jokes and listen to funny stories. When something is funny, everybody knows it because you have the loudest, most contagious laugh I’ve ever heard!

This was a great year for you- you have become a super reader and you love school. You are an electronics fanatic, with Dance Central, Minecraft and Mario Galaxy taking the lead as your favorite things to play. You love swimming, riding your bike and playing at the park. In fact, on Saturday, Dad took the training wheels off your bike and you started learning to ride without them.

One of my favorite thing about this year for you is that you and your brother have grown so ver close. I feel so happy when I see you two playing together and becoming such great friends. You fight a bit, too, but brothers do that.

I’m grateful every single day that I get to be your mom. You’re just amazing.

Love you,




Grandma and Jiddoh came up this weekend to celebrate your birthday with you. We took the training wheels off your bike and you are working on riding it on 2 wheels!






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