Archive for November, 2008

Getting Settled

Dear Hayden,

We are working on getting settled in the new place, and you are enjoying this process!

Every bin or box we empty, you climb inside:

And when Dad takes out the ladder, you are right there to help:

Love you,

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Dear Hayden,

Today you attended your second Thanksgiving dinner, but last year you were too little to eat! We went to Nana and Papa’s house for dinner, and you loved every bite!

Here are some pictures of your mashed potato face and your pumpkin pie face!

Love you,

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Moving Day

Dear Hayden,

Moving day is here! After 7 months at Nana and Papa’s house, we are moving to our new home today. It will be an adjustment for you, as you have enjoyed spending time with them. We are sure to make some lasting memories in our new place. We are so excited to move you to the home you will always remember as the place you grew up.

Love you,

Here you are going through our new front door!

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Election Day

Dear Hayden,

Today is election day. You and I went to vote this morning. People were very excited to see you there because we live quite close to Sun City and there are a lot of older people at our polling site. In fact, two older gentlemen got into an argument after one of them encouraged you to run for president in 20 years. As the second guy explained, you’d have to run in at least 34 years because you can’t be president until you are 35 years old according to the constitution. Then, as I was voting, you kept running from my voting booth and this nice older lady named Sandy who was a volunteer at the site was running after you for me so I could complete my ballot.

Tonight, Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States. This is an historic election because he is the first African American to be elected to this office. This has been an intense campaign season, and we are lucky to live in a time and place where we can talk freely about our political opinions.

Love you,

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