Archive for December, 2011


Dear Owen,

You’ve been taking a few steps at a time for quite a while now, but this week you put it all together — you are officially a “walker” in that you now walk more than you crawl!

Love you,

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A Haircut

Dear Owen,

Today, Jiddoh and I gave you your first haircut! You had these little hairs that were growing over your ears, and they were driving me nuts! So, we just trimmed a little bit over your ears. No biggie — and you handled it like a champ!

Love you,

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Dear H and O,

It was a wonderful Christmas! We’ve had a fantastic Christmas  season, actually… we’ve had some wonderful times celebrating as a family — I didn’t take very many pictures, though, because I decided that I wanted to enjoy the moments with you without the distraction of trying to capture every second with photos. Believe me, we had a grand time in the days leading up to Christmas!

On Christmas Eve, we ate dinner at Nana and Papa’s and went to church. On Christmas Day, we woke up and opened presents and then had a big Christmas dinner here, with Grandma and Jiddoh, Nana and Papa, Ken and Marcia, Uncle Ramsey and Aunt Lisa, Charlie, Alex and Oliver! It was a great time!

Love you,

All Dressed up for Christmas Eve church:
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Christmas Morning — and art easel and a fire truck from Santa:
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Exchanging gifts with cousins:
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Aunt Lisa helped your cousins pick out this American Doll just for you — she looks like you and even wears glasses like yours! (Although yours were missing over Christmas!)
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First Look

Dear Baby,

Today we had our first appointment with Dr. B. We got our first look at you! Your heart is beating 166 beats per minute and you are due to join our family on July 26, 2012. We are very excited!

Love you,

You, 7 weeks, 4 days:
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PS — Today I ordered calendars for Nana and Grandma – and this picture is the July picture with a caption that says, “Baby McCauley #3 due July 26, 2012!” We will be giving them these calendars on Christmas Eve to tell them our great news!

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Santa and a Christmas Card

Dear H and O,

Today we went to see Santa at the park. Hayden, you took your list and told Santa all about it! Owen, you were not very excited about sitting in his lap! Also, our Christmas card went out this week!

Love you,

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A Special House Guest!

Dear Hayden,

We had a special week! Oliver came to stay with us for a little while while Aunt Lisa and Uncle Ramsey were out of town. We had a great time while he was here! We played with Play Doh, watched movies, went to the park and played a lot! It’s fun to have a special time like this to spend with a cousin!

Love you,

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