An Owen Update

Dear  Owen,

You are developing such a personality! You are into EVERYTHING right now! In fact, in the last 24 hours, I have removed you from the middle of the kitchen counter, the shelf on the entertainment center where the stereo sits, and from a bar stool in the pantry that you’d used to gain access to the lollipops (“Pops! Pops!”). You are such an easy-going little guy. You smile all the time and go with the flow a lot. We had some good down time while we were in Tucson at Grandma and Jiddoh’s house this weekend and you finally slowed down enough that I was able to snap some pictures of you, sweet boy! Thank you for being such a special part of our family. You are teaching me to relax and take things a little less seriously.
Love you,

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1 comment

One Response to “An Owen Update”

  1. They have such similar smiles!!! I LOVE this picture!

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