Archive for June, 2010

You ARRRRRRRR having a great time!

Dear Hayden,

This is VBS week at church, and you are having a wonderful time! This year’s theme is pirates and sailors on the high seas! You have played with your friends, made some great crafts and watched the pirate opening and closing each day! You made t-shirts and sailor hats the first day, and they put you in them each day when you get there. Ms. Lauren is your teacher and it has been so much fun for you!!! You are loving all the pirate stuff, and you are saying, “ARRRRR!” a lot.

Love you,

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Family Farm Day

Dear Hayden,

Today we went to Family Farm Day at a farm near us. You had an absolute blast! You fed the goats, held some little ducklings, rode a ladybug train and picked some vegetables! You also used your first port-o-potty! It was an exciting day!

Love you,

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Backyard Shenanigans

Dear Hayden,

You are having some seriously fun times in the backyard these days! Dad set up your kiddy pool so that you can slide right into it, which you love. You also spend a lot of time watering your garden and flowers, dancing and jumping around, and playing with the cats. It’s fun to watch you have a blast doing ordinary things. I hope you can hold on to this sense of amazement with what you have to discover around you!

Love you,

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