Archive for August, 2013

Weekend Maximization

Dear H, O and B,

Now that you go to school all day, H, I feel the need to maximize our weekends together. We do everything we need to do to be ready for the next week of school, but we also try very hard to have some fun family time, too! We’ve had a couple of great weekends — I just love our time together.

Love you,

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First Day with Miss Sue

Dear Owen,

Today is your first day of preschool! You are going to Miss Sue’s preschool. The funny thing is, Hayden had Miss Sue back when she went by Mrs. Miller! Anyway, we all love Miss Sue because she is a great teacher and she loves to be silly with kids. We know you are going to have a blast with her this year!

Love you,

You went to school today with a big bump on your head that you got while we were at the Children’s Museum on Friday and you wore a bracelet that Sister made you over the weekend out of a pipe cleaner and some pony beads – you won’t take it off!

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THE Hayden

Dear Hayden,

Lately, and only once in a while, you call yourself, “The Hayden” and it cracks us up.

It usually sounds like this:

“The Hayden will not be judged!”

“Don’t mess with The Hayden!”

“The Hayden is here!”

Anyway, while we were in California, I told Uncle Jon and Auntie Kim about this new name that you have for yourself. They thought it was HILARIOUS. So Uncle Jon has taken to calling himself “The Dad, Great Uncle of The Hayden” even when he is leaving notes for his family about where he will be hiking (which he does with a dry erase marker on the microwave each morning). Auntie Kim sent me a picture of it today! I was thoroughly amused.

Love you,

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Kindergarten, Here We Come!

Dear Hayden,

Today is a BIG day for us. It is your first day of kindergarten! You were so excited at meet the teacher last night so I knew this morning would go well! We got there this morning  and you went right in to the room and got to work on the papers your teacher had on your desk. You are part of the first class of kindergartners at a brand new, amazing school. I am so exited for you – you are going to learn so much and do so well.

I was teary ALL day today. Not because you aren’t ready (YOU TOTALLY ARE!) and not because I don’t want you to go (I TOTALLY DO!) but because I feel like you are all growing up so fast and I am enjoying you so much that I’m not ready to move into the next stage. Also, I just really, really miss you! I am so blessed though, because you are kind, confident and brave. You are more than ready to be a kindergartner. We’ve had so many conversations lately about how to befriend the lonely, defend the powerless and be a great classmate. Last night I was reviewing some of these things and you stopped me by saying, “Mom, we’ve got this.” I prayed and prayed and prayed for you all day today.

When you got in the car after school, you were pretty excited! You told us all about your art teacher and all the things you learned about being in Miss Kretchman’s class. You told us that you had a good time and made a new friend.  Tonight, the last thing you said to me about kindergarten today was, “Mom, there is nowhere I would have rather been than today than where I was.”

That made my heart soar.

Love you,

Our AMAZING Kindergartner:
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You and Alli – It’s so fun that this classmate and friend is with you again this year!
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You and Miss Kretchman:
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Family Ties

Dear Bennett,

I just love it when things happen that tie us to the members of our family who have lived before our time. While we were on vacation, I took a picture of you bathing in a bathroom sink in one of our hotels because you were so cute! I showed to to Nana and Papa and the first thing they said was that they have a picture of Poppie (Your great, great grandfather) in a tub looking just like you! It’s pretty cool to see you looking like your Poppie!

Love you,

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Celebrating the Lasts: Shaggy Baby Hair

Dear Bennett,

Today you had your first Big boy haircut! You sat in a yellow car chair and you were a champ while the hair guy cut off your shaggy baby hair. You loved the lollipop! You look like such a big boy now! I will miss having shaggy baby hair around, but you look so handsome!

Love you,

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