Archive for February, 2010

Puddle Jumping!

Dear Hayden,

As an Arizona kid, you don’t get too many opportunities to jump in rain puddles. We got quite a bit of rain today, so you did exactly that!

Love you,

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Dear Hayden,

In a few weeks, you will be 2 1/2. Dad and I decided it was time for you to have a couple of chores around the house. Your first official chores are sorting the silverware into the drawer every time the dishwasher gets unlaoded, and getting your own clothes into the hamper after your bath each night. You really like your chores, so far!

Love you,

Sorting Silverware:

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Blog Update

Dear Hayden,

Since I started your blog in February of 2007, it has had 3 different looks! Jackie always designs it and it always looks amazing!

The first one had giraffes and neutral colors, which we changed to pink when we found out you were a girl:

Then, just for something different, Jackie whipped up this whimsical floral design:

Then, to incorporate your love of birds, she designed the current look:

It’s so fun to write to you and give you this record of your life. It’s even more fun to be living life with you.

Love you,

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A Long, Full Week

Dear Hayden,

This week was a long, full week. We spent the week with GG’s family celebrating her life. Although this difficult loss brought us together, we had a great time. Your cousins are in love with you! You had a wonderful time with all of them. I know GG was looking down on all of us with pride!

Love you,

You and Dad feeding the ducks near GG’s spot:

You and your cousins:

The whole Borer family:

Reading with your cousin Daniel:

Coloring with some cousins:

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Goodbye, GG.

Dear Hayden,

Today, your GG went to be with God. She will be sitting down to dinner with Him tonight, and then taking a long stroll with your great grandfather, the love of her life, whom she has lived without for many years. We are sad, but we do not grieve without hope, because we know we will see her again! GG lived a long and amazing life, and she was so very blessed by you in the last 2 1/2 years, Hayden. Just seeing you made her whole face light up. She mothered and grandmothered a large, wonderful family of which we are lucky to be a part.

Love you,

She first laid eyes on you:

The two of you on her 75th Birthday:

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Heart Hunt

Dear Hayden,

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today we started a new Valentine’s Day tradition. You had your very first heart hunt! Dad and I set up picture clues for you that lead all over the house. You did a great job looking at them and figuring out where to go next! At the end you found some books and pajamas! It’s so fun to celebrate holidays with you — especially this one about love! You have taught us how to love in a whole new way.

Love you,

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A Morning Hike

Dear Hayden,

Sometimes we go for hikes on Saturday mornings. Today we remembered to bring the camera!

Love you,

In Dad’s Backpack:

Some Beautiful Scenery:

Rehydrating — Hiking can take a lot out of a girl!

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Quite a Helper!

Dear Hayden,

Lately you have become quite a helper. You help whenever you can!! You got your first chore — sorting silverware into the silverware drawer when it comes out of the dishwasher. Also, when we had the stomach flu this week, you came into the bathroom (where I was waiting to get sick), handed me a magazine and said, “Here’s a magazine for ya.” I didn’t even ask for one — you thought of it on your own! You also love to help with the cooking. This works best when there is stirring to be done!

Love you,

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Swingin’ and Trikin’

Dear Hayden,

There are a lot of things you like to do! You LOVE swings. In fact, you love them so much that we hung one for you on the back porch. Also, you love to ride your tricycle to the mailbox. It’s fun to snap photos of you doing your everyday things!

Love you,

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Dear Hayden,

Today we went outside and blew bubbles. It is one of your favorite things to do!

Love you,

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