Archive for November, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Dear Hayden and Owen,

It’s Christmas time again!! Tonight we decorated the house and put up the tree — it’s so fun to have these traditions with you! You make our holidays the happiest they’ve ever been!

Love you,

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In the Tree Box!

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Playing with the Nativity scene

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Christmas PJs and Christmas Fun!

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Dear Baby,

This morning, I learned you are on your way! I had an inkling because of how I was feeling, but today I took a test — I love this test because the response window reads YES and that is exactly how I feel about having another little blessing in our family! Yes!

Love you,

The YES test:
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PS — Here’s how I told Dad — He was very excited!
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One Year Old!

Dear Owen,

Today, you are one year old! You are such a big boy and you are so much fun! You are 32 inches long and you weigh just over 21 pounds! On Saturday, we had a party for you with family and a few friends — we had a special “It’s Been a Sweet Year!” candy station and a bouncy house outside! We had a great time celebrating your first year — you ate your first cupcake and made a bit of a mess with it! Today, we had a birthday dinner with Nana and Papa and we made you your first over-sized birthday cupcake — that’s a “real” birthday tradition around here! You enjoyed a piece of that cupcake, too!! All in all, it’s been the fastest and best year ever!!

Love you,

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Friday on Frank: Special Edition

Dear Owen,

Today Friday on Frank was special! There are 5 kids in our neighborhood who were all born within 4 weeks of each other — and you are one of them! Today, at Friday on Frank we celebrated these very special first birthdays! Your buddy Cole is a little under the weather, so he couldn’t be there, but he was born November 2, 2010 — just 14 days before you! You were not a big fan of your birthday party hat, but you were a big fan of the cupcake that Tara made for you! I just love your cupcake face!

Love you,

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Fuzzy Pajamas

Dear H and O,

I LOVE this time of year — but one of my most favorite things about it is that you get to wear fuzzy pajamas! They are super cute on you and they are, to me, the essence of childhood!

Love you,

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