Kindergarten and Third Grade!

Dear Hayden and Owen,

Today, you headed back to school! Hayden, you started third grade with Miss Trujillo and Mrs. Hurley. Owen, today is your first day of kindergarten with Mrs. Kanter and Ms. Adame. You were both very excited to go!

Like every year, this is a very happy and very sad day for me as your mama. I’m constantly in a state of either wishing I could keep you little and being so excited to see who you grow into! So, I’m happy that I have two confident smart kids heading to elementary school today, but sad that your little years at home with me are over, Owen.

You both had a great day and you are excited to go back tomorrow!

Love you,

Last night, Hayden, you read some kindergarten books to Owen and told him how great kindergarten is!

This morning:





After School:


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