
Dear Benny,

Today, you are three. I really cannot believe that my littlest baby is 3! You have grown up the fastest of all.

You run around like a boy and you have a “crazy face” that comes out when you are really in a recklessly fun mood. 🙂 You are laid back until something goes awry, and then you let everyone know you are not happy by saying, “I am angry!”

You love being outside, and this is especially true if there is water to play with! About a month ago you came inside and asked me, “Mom, how do I change the temperature on the hose?” You were disappointed to learn that in Phoenix, all hose water is warm water!

Your favorite color is green, you love to eat and your favorite things to play with are still your Chuggington trains. Also, you LOVE The Berenstain Bears books… there’s nothing you’d rather to than listen to a story. You give loud kisses and say, “I WUV YOU!” a lot.

This was also the year of the mohawk. You really love that mohawk. You say, “Mom, I need my mohawk,” first thing many mornings. And if you take a nap or do an activity that causes it to flatten, you pat your head and say, “My mohawk is broken! Can you please fix it?”

Perhaps the most notable thing about your personality is your positive, fun and light-hearted nature! Everything is a party until you are told it’s not. A week ago we were sitting at a red light and you were saying, “L-E-T-S-G-O, Let’s Go! Let’s Go! Yay! The wight is Gween! We can go!” Even the changing of a traffic light is a fun, awesome thing to you! You make our lives so much more exciting, just by sharing your enthusiasm. I hope you are always excited about the little things in life. It will make your life so much happier!

To our family, you are Benny-Boo, Benny Boo-Boo, or Benicio. You aren’t always a big fan of these nicknames; often you’ll reply, “I am Bennett.” You have a few close friends and the happiest little life ever.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Bennett. We all love you so very much!

Love you,




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