Preschool: Year 2

Dear Owen,

Today was the last day of your second year of preschool! Miss Sue had a GIGANTIC water slide for your buddies and you all had a fantastic time!

You had an amazing year because your class came back and you picked right up where you left off! You will all be together again next year, too. You explored lots of different topics with Miss Sue. She planned a space provocation just for you! Your class also lost a pet this year — Crabby-Crab. Miss Sue helped you bury Crabby-Crab and hold a very reverent funeral in his absence. She’s a great teacher for you! You learned to read and to write your name as well as do lots of math in your head!

You will be returning to Miss Sue in the fall for your final year of preschool. It is going to be a blast!

Love you,

In Loving Memory of Crabby-Crab

Learning from Miss Sue

Water Day!





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