What’s in a Name?

Dear Hayden, Owen and Bennett,

For a long time I’ve wanted to do a blog entry on how we decided on each of your names and what they mean. So, here you have it.

Hayden Eva:

Hayden, your first name is one that Dad and I both just really like! We had no idea that both boys and girls are given the name Hayden until we called our pediatrician a few days after you were born and they asked us when we were bringing “him” in! Your name doesn’t have a very exciting meaning {“Hay Valley” or “Hay Hill”} but you are all spunk and quite exciting so you make up for that fact!

Your middle name was given to you in the absence of a very special person, my cousin Eva. When she was just 19, her life was cut short by a couple of teenagers who made a foolish decision while driving their car. She was brilliant, beautiful and charismatic. She was fun to be around and made life better because she was in it. We middle named you Eva because if you embody even part of her spirit, I’ll be so happy. The name Eva means life. I love this about your middle name, too, because in a way, my life started the day you were born — I received one of my most cherished titles – Mother.

Your second cousin, Eva Star Wahlstrom
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Owen Patrick:

Owen, I’ve shared this with you before, but your name means “Desire Born” and I think that is a perfect name for you because you are exactly that for us —  we hoped, prayed and waited for you for quite a while before you were born. This is the only boy name Dad and I even came close to agreeing on, too! It was not an easy task to name you!

Your middle name was selected because it is the same middle name that your Uncle Darryl has. Both Dad and I like the name, but it was ultimately your dad’s choice for you to have the middle name Patrick because it was important to him to honor your uncle in this way. Your uncle has a lot of amazing qualities — among them confidence and individuality, and a desire for good for those around him. We hope you’ll embody these qualities one day. Patrick means “Nobleman” and we’d love it if you are noble {principled, honorable, meritorious} among other things.

Your uncle, Darryl Patrick McCauley
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Bennett Rogers:

Bennett, your name comes to you as the second boy name ON EARTH on which your dad and I agree! While I was pregnant with you, I’d read him lists of 50-60 names and at the end of my reading all he’d say was, “no.” When I mentioned Bennett, he said, “I like that one.” I was fairly confident at that moment that you would be named Bennett. Bennett means Blessed. We think that’s a perfect name for you — we are so blessed that you are here, we hope you’ll use your life to bless others and we hope you are blessed all the days of your life!

You are middle named after your great grandfather, Rogers McCauley. Your dad has always been close to Grandpa Rog, so it seemed that Rogers was a natural choice for your middle name. Things we love about Great Grandpa Rog: He has a great sense of humor, his loved ones are his top priority and he’d give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. We’d love for you to be just like him in these ways!

Your great grandfather, Rogers Woodring McCauley
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With all that said, the most important thing about your name is that you preserve it. What will be said of you? My hope is that when others hear your names, they will think of the three of you as people who matter because of your love for others and your ability to see beyond yourselves… that you will protect your name by using your life for good.

Love you,


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