Family of Five

Dear H, O and B,

We are definitely getting used to life as a family of five. I can tell already that the three you are going to be friends and take care of each other always. This makes a mom’s heart very happy. I have so much love for each of you, and it’s only multiplied when we spend time together as a family!

Love you,

B, Here’s Dad checking ya out, only a few minutes old:
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H, Here you are with me and B when you came to the hospital to meet him:
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…And here you are on his first day home:
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O, Here you are pointing at your brother. You do this a lot.
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H, you make a great assistant when we are taking photos!
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…And it’s always good to get in one with him, too!
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This is my favorite view — all three of my kiddos having a good time together!
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