Archive for October, 2011
Dear H and O,
We had a really fun Halloween! We had a block party, just as we have for every Halloween that we’ve lived here. We’re so lucky to live among friends! Afterward, you went trick-or-treating with Daddy and all the neighborhood kids, Hayden, and Owen, you went to bed! After you got back, Hayden, you left your candy out for the Switch Witch. She’ll switch your candy for a toy while you’re sleeping tonight! I bet she’s bringing something good!
Love you,
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No commentsPumpkin Carving
Dear H and O,
Today we carved a pumpkin! Hayden, you and Dad looked for a design to carve, and you chose a cat. It’s an interesting pumpkin for sure! Owen, you kept reaching your hand inside to feel around after it was all carved. Dad was teasing you with the insides, too, Hayden — you did NOT like the idea of getting slimed with pumkin guts! Fun!
Love you,
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No commentsFall Festival
Dear H and O,
Tonight we went to a fall festival with Travis, Rebekah, Mackenzie and Whitley. It was a very fun evening. They had a lot of fun games for kids and we took a hayride, too. You had a blast!
Love you,
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No commentsFirst Swim Lesson!
Dear Owen,
Today, you had your first swim lesson! Dad got in the pool with you, because your lessons are on Saturdays, and it’s special that he is home on Saturdays and can go with you! You loved, loved, loved the water and had a great time! The Joge is in your class, too, so you had fun playing with each other, too. I know you will enjoy swim school as much as your sister did!
Love you,
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No commentsRustler’s Rooste!
Dear H and O,
Tonight we went to Rustler’s Rooste with Grandma, Jiddoh, Uncle Ramsey, Aunt Lisa, Charlie, Alex and Oliver. We had a great time! In October, Charlie, Alex and Uncle Ramsey all have birthdays, so this was a fun way to celebrate together; in fact, Uncle Ramsey’s birthday is today! Rustler’s Rooste is a crazy restaurant! They have an indoor slide (H, you passed on the slide — it’s BIG), a baloon animal guy (H, you chose a mermaid), a live country band (H, you danced with Daddy), and they bring cotton candy to your table after dinner (H, you thoroughly enjoyed that!)! Owen, there was so much going on that it tired you out and you slept like a rock for the last hour that we were there! It was a blast — it’s always fun to celebrate with each other!
Love you,
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No commentsCostume Parade
Dear Hayden,
Today was the costume parade at your school. You are dressing as Rapunzel for Halloween this year, and it was a popular costume! Grandma was here to see the parade, too!
Love you,
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Handing your hair off to Grandma (it got heavy!):
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Dear Hayden,
Tonight you and Dad get to work in the garden again. You planted in the boxes and the pots, and I think you’ll have an amazing harvest before you know it! It’s so fun to watch you and Dad enjoy each other’s company and work together so well!
Love you,
Deciding where things would go:
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No commentsChalk
Dear Owen,
Today we took some chalk pictures. You are a cutie!
Love you,
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No comments11 Months Old!
Dear Owen,
In one month, you will be 1 year old! You will take your last bottle, take your first steps and be done with your days as an infant. It is so exciting to see you enter each new stage, but I do wish these baby days could last a little longer. You’ve got quite a personality now. You babble in sentences as though you are using real words and we should all understand you, you are standing and cruising on furniture and you play with different toys all day! You bring so much joy to us all, Sugar Bear.
Love you,
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Friendship, Family and Flight
Dear H and O,
We had the most amazing weekend! We traveled to New Mexico to spend time with old friends and see the International Balloon Fiesta. It was extraordinary. We connected with our friends instantly, as though not a minute had passed since we were all together, although it has been years. We played, and played and played, even though it meant we didn’t sleep too much. We were lucky enough to witness the magnificence of both a Night Glow and a Mass Ascension of hot air balloons — two of the most awesome visual experiences of my life.
And the love… oh, the love. The love of reconnecting — of seeing my oldest and dearest friends love on my babies. The love of having my amazing husband find a comfortable place with the amazing husbands of those dear friends. The love of watching the two of you play and play and play with new friends — the kiddos that God sent to bring joy to my dear friends. Each night, Dad and I put the two of you to bed and then we talked and shared and joked and laughed and just enjoyed being in the presence of people who have known me since before I knew myself.
As I reflect on this weekend, I pray that you will always be as open to new friends as you were this weekend. I pray that you will have connections in your life that trancend time and distance. I pray that you will always have oppotunities to experience extraodinary, once-in-a-lifetime moments that take your breath away… like standing with your sweet little family as 555 different and beautiful hot air balloons take flight.
Blessed? Without a doubt.
Love you,
Owen, you took your first flight ever this weekend! Here you are on the airplane in your seat and next to it!
Here’s the whole group – 12 of us!
Owen, here’s you and Daddy getting upset about the wind:
But, as soon as the wind settled, you were a very happy boy!
Hayden, you and Nadia became fast friends and had a blast together.
We had a dance party or two at Lacy and Erik’s house:
And Owen, my goodness, did you get passed around.
Night Glow at the International Balloon Fiesta:
Mass Ascension (It was COLD!):