Archive for August, 2011

Doing Life.

Dear H and O,

Today we skipped church. We skipped church because we went somewhere else instead, to be the church. Jeffrey got a teaching job and he starts tomorrow. He needed a LOT of help in his classroom today, so we decided that we needed to go and help him get ready! We are part of a church family, and that means we help each other and work together to do what needs to be done. At our church, we call this “doing life” and that’s exactly what we’re doing.

Love you,

Working on a coloring project with Amanda:

Classroom 1

And other projects with Abby:

CLassroom 9

Helping Dad put up a bulletin board:

Classroom 3

Cleaning desks with Abby:

Classroom 5

Owen, you took a nap in the room next door:

Classroom 2

Classroom 8

And you got passed around and played with toys on the floor, too:

Classroom 6

Hayden, you had a lot of fun crawling under desks:

Classroom 4

And pretending to be a teacher:

Classroom 7

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Number Four Hundred

Dear H and O,

This is the four hundredth time that I have sat down to share thoughts with you! This blog has become so special to me — an important place where I will be able to reach you — even after I’m gone and you want to show your great-grandchildren different things you did as a child. You are worth every moment I have spent here! I realized though, that I am usually behind the camera — which means I’m sure not in very many of the pictures! So, here’s an image for you — your crazy mom, sitting at the computer, writing a special message to you — one that, no matter what it says, is really meant to say that you are loved more than you will ever know.

Crazy Mom

Love you!

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Dear H and O,

Dad and I have been working hard on our front room over the last two weeks. We want it to be a place that is casual, and where you and your friends will enjoy spending time someday! We have people over a lot, so we like the idea of having a casual “game” room of sorts, but we also added some furniture to store our fine china so that it is accessible when we have others over and we can use the “special” dishes whenever we’d like. This room also reflects a lot of who we’d like our family to be. We have words and phrases, a family tree, photos and other examples of our family. The only thing we have left to do in this room before we’ll call it “finished” is to change out our formal dining table for a counter-height table that seats 8 — that way, if we do have a lot of people over, they can sit and enjoy each other’s company there, and if there’s not a lot going on, it’ll be a nice, big square table where we can have a puzzle going, or play games. Well, long story short (or kind of long — sorry about that!) it’s going to be a place where we can be comfortable, casual and together. Honestly, there’s not a lot more I’m looking for in life.

Love you,

Here’s our family Scrabble grid — it uses our first and middle names — I love it because it’s a physical reminder that we are all connected.


PS — This is our three hundred and ninety-ninth blog entry! Whoa!

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First Things First

Dear H and O,

Most mornings, one or both of you will wake up right as Dad is heading out the door. Usually, I am still asleep! Hayden, when you wake up, you come straight to our room to say good morning and hang out. Owen, when Dad hears you, he goes and gets you and you come join in the fun! I love that this is what we do first thing in the morning — we check in with each other and spend some time together before we do everything else that has to happen each day. I love these fun, sweet moments we share.

Love you,



PS — Owen, every time you see my camera strap hanging down, you grab it! I cannot tell you how many photos I have just like this one!


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Back to Preschool!

Dear Hayden,

Today is your first day back to preschool! This year, Mrs. Miller will be your teacher — she is very fun and I know you are going to have a great time and learn a lot! We decorated your tote bag with a big H covered in buttons! You and Alex headed out like old pros today since it’s your second year!

Love you,




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Nine Months Old!

Dear Owen,

Today you are nine months old! You have 4 teeth coming in up top to compliment the two on the bottom, you eat all kinds of fruits, veggies and grains, and you are such a happy boy! You weigh 19 pounds and you are 30 inches long. You are speed crawling EVERYWHERE! You are starting to pull up on things and you love your sister more than anything — everything she does cracks you up!!

Love you,

9 Months Old

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Pile Up!

Dear Hayden,

You are LOVING dress up again! I love watching and listening to you play pretend in these lovely dresses. By the end of the day, you’ve usually unpacked the dress up chest and it’s all in a big pile! Sometimes you just plop down on it to find just the accessory you are looking for!

Love you,

Dress Up Pile

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A Little Girl Needs Daddy

Dear Hayden,

Tonight after dinner, you asked Daddy to dance with you. He said, “Of course,” which is what he always says. There’s nothing I love more than witnessing these special memories be made. We are all so blessed to have each other.

Dancing 1

Dancing 2

Dancing 3

A Little Girl Needs Daddy

A little girl needs Daddy
For many, many things:
Like holding her high off the ground
Where the sunlight sings!

Like being the deep music
That tells her all is right
When she awakens frantic with
The terrors of the night.

Like being the great mountain
That rises in her heart
And shows her how she might get home
When all else falls apart.

Like giving her the love
That is her sea and air,
So diving deep or soaring high
She’ll always find him there.

Love you,

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Crazy Times!

Dear Owen,

Lately, you have had some crazy hair! You have one little round patch on the top that sticks straight out! Other crazy things in your life: you have a crazy-cute smile and a sister who puts you in a crazy carry hold on a regular basis. These are crazy times!

Love you,

Crazy patch of hair:


Crazy-cute smile:


Sister’s crazy carry hold:


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Cool Pic

Dear Hayden,

Today I sorted through a bunch of pictures and I found this really cool one!


You are quite a swimmer!

Love you,

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