Archive for September, 2009

Birthday Celebrations!

Dear Hayden,

You have had quite a weekend of birthday celebrations!

On Friday, Grandma and Jiddoh came to town to celebrate. They gave you some Curious George stuff, which you loved:

On Saturday, we had a pool party for your birthday:

Then, you received a package by mail from Uncle Ramsey, Aunt Lisa, Charlie, Alex and Oliver:

Then, on your actual birthday (Monday):

We met Nana and Papa for breakfast:

We went to Imagination Avenue to play:

Then, we met Nana and Papa at the toy store and they let you pick out your own birthday presents:

Then, after your nap you played with your new toys, we ate pizza for dinner and then you opened presents (shoes and books) from Dad and me:

You also got to eat more birthday cake!

So, all in all, we had a great time celebrating you! Happy Birthday, sweetheart. We love you!

Love you,

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You are Two!

Dear Hayden,

Today, you are two years old! Here are the highlights: You talk about everything, you can count to twelve, and you are learning lots of nursery rhymes and songs. You love to swim, dance and read (you love Curious George!). Your favorite foods are every kind of fruit, eggs, pizza and macaroni and cheese. You love birds and being outside. You love being with other kids, too. You also very recently learned to ride your trike. Most of all, you are so joyful! You laugh and smile all the time — and it is totally contagious! We are so lucky to have you for a little girl!

Love you,

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Grandma Holly

Dear Hayden,

Today we went to visit Grandma Holly, who is one very special lady! We call her Grandma Holly because she is a grandma to everyone in our church family. She prays and prays and prays for the people of our church, and about 3 years ago, she started praying for you – praying that you would be knit together, fearfully and wonderfully made. Then, when I told her you were on the way, she started praying that you would grow strong and arrive healthy. Dad and I credit Grandma Holly with praying you into existence. She loves seeing you and she is always amazed at how you have grown. We’re forever indebted to Grandma Holly, and others like her in our church family who intercede for us and commit to speaking their own faith into our future. There is a chance you won’t remember meeting Grandma Holly, and I feel very strongly about you knowing how special she is!

Love you,

You and Grandma Holly

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Dear Hayden,

Tonight, Dad took you to a baseball game with a friend from work and his little guy, Mikey. You had a fantastic time! Here are some pictures.

Love you,

Checking out the seats

Watching pitching warm-up

Baseball food

You and Mikey

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Mini Mozarts

Dear Hayden,

Today you went and played with Elijah. While you were there, the two of you decided to play a duet! You are TWO, TOO cute!!

Love you,

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Dancing in the Rain

Dear Hayden,

Today was unusual in that we don’t usually get rain here! It poured all morning, and you kept asking to go outside. Finally, Dad and I said it was okay and you danced in the rain in your pajamas! You had a great time and did not want to come back inside! Grandma and Jiddoh are here this weekend, too, so you have had a great time watering the plants with Grandma and filling Jiddoh’s pockets with your toys! I love these days because although there is nothing planned, you have a great time just living your life!

Love you,

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Backyard Fun!

Dear Hayden,

We are having some awesome evenings in the backyard now that summer is coming to a close. We have had some great family time just hanging out lately. It’s so fun to be together.

Love you,

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