Being Part of a Church Family

Dear Hayden,

This short article was published in our church newsletter this month. It states exactly what I love about being part of a church family. You are a kid of this covenant, and I am so grateful for our church family because of the many ways they help us raise you. I just wanted to make sure you have these words so you can remember this in the raising of your own kiddos.

Love you,

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I agree. I’m so glad, too, because it means I don’t have to do it alone. It is with great joy that we partner with the Body of Christ in the raising up, investing in, and sending out of our own children. How Great is that?

People like you rocking my child to sleep in the nursery…
People like you singing and dancing with my child at Vacation Bible School…
People like you demonstrating for my child a heart, mind and body for worship…
People like you helping my child find her place to serve…
People like you desiring for my child to be filled with the Holy Spirit…
People like you mentoring my child through adolescence when I suddenly won’t have a clue…
People like you becoming life-long friends with my child…
People like you modeling healthy marriages and the commitment to restoration of unhealthy marriages…
People like you committing to be family with my child…
People like you partnering with my child in mission…
People like you walking with my child through the deaths of her parents…

…people like you.

I’m so grateful for people like you. You are the Body of Christ.

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