Your Dad… The MBA Grad!

Dear Hayden,

Today is a big day for us!! Today marks the completion of your dad’s MBA. He’s been working very hard in graduate school every Tuesday and Thursday evening (plus group meetings, studying and electives some weekends) for the last 18 months! To put this in perspective, we found out I was pregnant 2 days before your dad started this program. So, he worked diligently on this degree throughout the time I was pregnant with you. Then, I went into labor right after Dad got home from class on a Thursday night and he had to go to class the Tuesday evening following your birth to take a test! It’s been very hard for him to be gone so much during your first year and it’s been a lot of work for him to go to work, go to school, study, and be the awesome dad and husband he is. My prayer is that you will commit to work to accomplish the goals you set for yourself, just like your dad.

Love you,

You and Dad
You and Dad

MBA Graduation
Dad and Bobby

MBA Graduation
Wearing Dad’s Cap!

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