Your First Christmas

Dear Hayden,

Merry 1st Christmas! We had a pretty great time! Every year we spend Christmas Eve Eve (December 23rd) with the Schurmans. We hang out, play games and have a generally great time! This year was no exception, and Bobby and Kelly spoil you like crazy! Last night, for Christmas Eve, we went to dinner at Nana and Grandpa’s house. Your G and G Kilani came, too, and we had a good dinner! We went to church and then came home to open the presents from your G and G Kilani. They got you a Magic Bullet (so we can puree foods for you to eat this year when you start eating food!) and some other very cool stuff! Today we ate an early dinner here with all your grandparents. This year your dad wanted to fry a turkey. I have to tell you, Hayden, I was a little opposed to this because many people burn down their houses doing this every year. Needless to say, your dad convinced me that it would be fine, so I got him a turkey fryer for Christmas. I have to admit, it was awesome! He did a great job! Then, we opened presents with your Nana and Grandpa. They got you some really cute clothes. We’re so excited about celebrating with you! Your sweet smile and little giggles make every moment even more magical!


Christmas Dress
Christmas Eve Dress

Hayden and Mama
Christmas Eve with Mama

Christmas Morning
Christmas Morning!

Baby's First Christmas!
First Family Christmas Picture

Turkey Fry
Dad’s Turkey Fry

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