Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Dear Hayden,

God created your inmost being; He knit you together in my womb. I praise Him because you are fearfully and wonderfully made; a work of art! (I borrowed that from Psalm 139) Never forget that you are made in the image of God. If you could see yourself now, you would know that for sure! My heart breaks when I think about some of the things you will face in this world — namely the criticism of those who will not make the choice to look into your soul, but who will instead judge you with no power or authority to do so. It is my prayer that you will hold fast to the knowledge that you are God’s. His fingerprints are all over you. I also pray that you will choose to look past the exterior of others, to see the truth in them. No amount of outer beauty can cover up inner ugly. Remember that.

Love you,

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