It’s Fantastic to be Five!

Hear Bennett,

Today, You are five! You are such a fun kid! You are always having a good time and you remind us to take ourselves a little less seriously! You are obsessed with building structures with MagnaTiles and you love to be in the kitchen with e helping me cook.

We always do quite a few little birthday celebrations for you because we are usually traveling on your actual birthday. I’ve edited this post to include alllll of your birthday fun! We had cake and ice cream in Flagstaff with Grandma to celebrate your shared birthday. Then, we did dinner and cake with Nana and Papa, Andrea, Darryl and Lucas. On your actual birthday, we played at the beach all day and had pizza and cake with Auntie Kim, uncle Jon and Madi. When we got home from California, you had a bowling party – complete with a unicorn cake with your friends!

It’s fun to celebrate you because nobody I know celebrates life like you do!

Love you,

B and G



Benny 3

Benny 4

Benny 5

Benny 6

Benny 7

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