Spring Sillies!

Dear H, O and B,

We’ve had quite a few silly moments this spring!

Bennett, you and I have visited Emmie, Josh and Addie Lou quite a few times this spring, and Addie Lou adores you!

Owen, a couple of weeks ago (in the middle of May), you came downstairs and shouted, “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” so loud that I jumped!

Bennett, one day, I asked you to put on a pair of shoes and head out to the car. When I got to the car, this is what you looked like!

Hayden, I went outside one day to see what you were up to. When I asked you what you were doing, you said, “Just taking down this robber!”

Bennett, one evening, it was very quiet upstairs as everyone was getting ready to go to bed. all of a sudden, we heard VERY loud mariachi music! As soon as I ralized it was coming from Owen’s room, I headed in there and found you jamming on the stereo like a DJ!

One night, before bed, you all decided it would be funny to have underwear on your heads! It really, really was!

Owen, at Christmas time, you got a pretend shaving kit in your stocking. You use it often and it is just so cute!

Bennett, there is a green wig and a green hat inside a cabinet at Nana and Papa’s house. You wear them well!

Owen, in your Easter basket you got a game called Poop. It’s a hilarious game and it brings out your famous laugh!

The three of you bring SO MUCH JOY to my life. So much that it flows over into other areas of my life.

Love you,

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