Archive for January, 2018

Winter Break 2017

Dear H, O and B,

Well, we had some fun activities planned for your winter break. We had a great time doing all of our Christmas traditions and then… the flu! Dad and I spent our 15th wedding anniversary sick and we had to cancel some fun family plans we had, too! We made the most of it, though!

For project week, you learned the poem Try, Try Again, Owen. And Hayden, for all 4th graders, project week means one thing: Paul Revere’s Ride. It’s an extraordinary and VERY LONG poem. Not only did you memorize, copy and illustrate it, you created a felt board of your favorite scene. We are insanely proud of the dedication you showed to completing this project in an “above and beyond” way!

Love you,









Also, we saw 4 GREAT movies in November and December this year!


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Halfway to Six!

Dear Bennett,

Today, you are five and a half! I can’t believe how quickly you are growing. You are growing up faster than your siblings! I think that’s what happens when you are the youngest.

You are a great problem solver. You love to cook and eat all kinds of food. Your favorite pastime is creating unique and complex structures with your MagnaTiles.

What I’ll remember most about this time, though, is that you are my little buddy. You get out of school a few hours before your siblings during this bonus year, and we are having a great time together. I’m going to miss you like mad next year, but you are such a grown up guy that I know you are going to love every adventure that’s coming your way!

Happy Half Birthday, Buddy!

Love you,


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Becoming You

Dear Hayden,

I wanted to take a minute and write to you specifically. You’ve grown up right before our very eyes in the last few months. You’ve become a braver, more knowing version of yourself.

You’ve faced the daunting task of wearing a back brace head on. There have been moments of frustration, but overall, you are doing what needs to be done with little complaint. We’re so proud of you.

You signed up for the Bard Competition at school. You recited “Hope is the Thing with Feathers” by Emily Dickinson in front of a large crowd without flinching.

You auditioned and were selected to play your winter recital piece at the school concert. You stepped up to the piano and confidently played Deck the Halls in front of hundreds of people!

At your parent/teacher conference yesterday, your teachers told us how great-hearted you are. You are performing with academic excellence, but more importantly, you are emerging as a leader — one who knows how to treat people kindly. One who takes the risk of being wrong to put herself out there and participate. One they LOVE having in their class.

You studied Joan of Arc this fall and you and I were talking about her the night before your test. She’s famous for saying a lot of brilliant things, among them: “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.” You are figuring out what you were born to do: speak confidently, be yourself boldly, and live virtuously.

We are ecstatic that we get to be your parents and witness all of this. It’s one of the greatest privileges of our lives.

Love you,






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Dear Owen,

This fall, you were invited to try out a local lacrosse club. Well, you instantly took a liking to it! You are always asking Dad to take you down to the park to practice and you truly enjoy it! This spring you are on the 8U team of the Arrowhead Warriors Lacrosse Club. We can’t wait to see you continue to work hard and play well!

Love you,





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