Archive for June, 2013


Dear Hayden,

Your two bottom front teeth are so wiggly! Today we painted a tooth fairy door and installed it in your room, because I think she will be passing through soon! It can’t be long before those teeth come out!

Love you,

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Dear H, O and B,

So far this summer, we have been absolute fish!! We swim AT LEAST once a day, almost every single day. You have been in lessons daily through the city and you are having a fantastic time! We’ve been swimming at Nana and Papa’s, Grandma and Jiddoh’s and the water park, too! Needless to say, you are totally enjoying it, and it is a great way to spend these hot summer days!

Love you,

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Dear H, O and B,

One week a year our church hosts Vacation Bible School. It runs from 8:30 until noon and everybody in our church family who is available is there to make it happen. The doors fly open on Monday morning, kids of all ages from all over (including you) flood in for a fantastic time! I absolutely love VBS week. I love it because we are all there together. I love it because Madison and Andrew come with us and stay with us for part of the week. I love it because the whole church family shows up, and while I’m working on registration and administrative tasks, people are loving you and teaching you and being Jesus in the flesh for you. It’s just totally humbling and amazing to me. I’m so grateful to be a part of it. You all had a fantastic week, and the music goes on and on — we’ll probably be listening to it until it’s time to pop in the Christmas music!

Love you,

Our VBS Family on Crazy Glasses Day:
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Crazy Hair Day:
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Awesome Miss Brenna in the Nursery:
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Slinging Buddies — not perfect use of the sling, but an A for effort!
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11 Months Old!

Dear Bennett,

Today you are eleven months old. You are growing out of the baby stage so quickly! You are nearly done with bottles — you don’t really care too much about them and you pay attention to everything — you don’t miss a moment! You have this really interesting teeter-booty-scoot-crawl going on — it gets you all over the house, really quickly without having to be on all fours! You crack me up because you look so silly when you are getting around! You have the most amazing laugh and you smile at just about everything. We’re counting down to one year old now — I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since you got here.

Love you,

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