Archive for March, 2012

Dance Class

Dear Hayden,

Recently, you decided that gymnastics isn’t for you and that you would like to try dance. You are enjoying it a lot. Your class is doing an Elmo tap dance in the recital, so you tap dance with Elmo a lot during class.

Love you,

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Dear Owen,

After tons of ear infections in the last 5 months, today they put tubes in your ears. We got to the office EARLY this morning (6 am) and we were on our way home by 7:30 — the procedure only took about 10 minutes! We took you in your pajamas and they put you in a baby hospital gown for the procedure. You were a champ! No big deal.

Love you,

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Dad’s Day Field Trip

Dear Hayden,

Today you and Dad went on the Dad’s Day field trip with your preschool. You guys went mini-golfing and then to Peter Piper Pizza. You two had a great time!

Love you,

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Your Own Sense of Style

Dear Hayden,

You have certainly developed your own sense of style. I love this about you! You like to wear what you think looks great, and you wear it confidently! It really makes me smile.

Love you,

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Dear Baby,

Today we learned that you are a boy! We decided to do something a little different this time because it’s very likely (like as certain as can be) that you will be the last baby added to this family. So, we went to our ultrasound this morning and had the ultrasound tech write “boy” or “girl” on a card and put it in an envelope. Then, we dropped the envelope off next door with Erin. She baked us the most beautiful cake, and tonight BEFORE dinner (Whaaatt?? Cake before dinner???), the four of us cut into it and it was bright BLUE! At that moment, we knew we were being blessed with another handsome little gentleman! This was such a special and exciting time for our family! We are so excited to meet you, sweet baby boy.

Love you,

Erin had to deliver the cake in gloves because she spilled a little food coloring on her hands and she didn’t want us to know before we got to cut the cake what color it was!
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The amazing cake:
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Here’s the card and the envelope that we passed off to Erin after the ultrasound: (We gave it to her sealed and she returned it later so we could have it.)
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New pictures of you at 19 weeks:
Profile —
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Curled up for a rest —
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