Archive for February, 2011

And now in the role of Raja…

Dear Hayden,

This morning you were playing with your princess Barbies near Zoom. This turned out to be convenient for Jasmine, who has a Tiger. It only took you a few seconds before you had Jasmine riding Zoom. Dad and I were cracking up!

Love you,

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3 Months Old!

Dear Owen,

Today you are 3 months old! It’s gone by very quickly! You are 25 inches long and you weigh about 13 pounds! You smile at us all the time, you have chuckled a few times, and you are oh-so-close to rolling over from the back to the front. You are such a cutie!

Love you,

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Dear Hayden,

Sometimes when you are playing, you get so focused on what you are doing, it seems like you go to your own world! Most of the time this happens when you are playing with your dolls, and you are busy making conversation between them. I love just standing back, watching and listening to you focus on the important job of playing.

Love you,

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We Heart Valentine’s Day

Dear H and O,

We had some very fun Valentine’s festivities at our house! Owen, you did a lot of hanging out and watching this year, but you are looking at everything these days, so I think you had a good time watching some new things happen.

Hayden, you made seed packet valentines for your friends at school:



Then, we made heart shaped rice krispie treats for dessert:


Owen, you hung out with us:


Then, after Dad got home from work, you had your annual heart hunt, where you use picture clues to go all around the house and find a treasure at the end:




(This year’s treasure was a book, undies and bibs)

Dad read you the book before dinner:


Owen, you did a really good job hanging out!



Hayden, you wore dress up clothes all day on Valentine’s Day (see crazy hat and fairy dress above), but today you wore a special outfit to school for the Valentine’s Day party with your preschool class:



I love holidays with you two! It’s just so much fun to make them special for you and share them with you!

Love you,

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Peace, Joy and Love

Dear H and O,

Just so you know, I think if you are lucky enough to find peace, joy and love in your life all at once, you are lucky enough.

I am lucky enough.

Love you,

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A Room Update

Dear Owen,

I haven’t taken any pictures of your room since you’ve arrived! Here are a few shots of your updated room!

It’s been fun to put together a special  place for you!

Love you,

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Dear Hayden,

I love this picture of our matching shoes. I love that we have matching shoes, and you are young enough that you think that’s really cool.

Love you,

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All Smiles!

Dear Owen,

Lately, you have been all smiles!

Love you,

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A Decade of Days

Dear H and O,

Today I made something pretty cool that I want you to know about. It’s a decade of days journal, and in it I will record our days together, just one line at a time. There are 365 cards in this special box – one for each day of the year. I will use one line on each card to record what we have done that day, what I am thinking or praying about, or what you have shared, done or said that is so very special. This box will become a treasure box of who we are and the experiences that will make us who we become, because it will hold one line for each day of the next decade. The front says, “The days are long, but the years are short.” I have to tell you, that is the most accurate way I have EVER heard life described. I’m so lucky it’s you who will be filling this decade of my days!

Love you,

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A Valentine Box

Dear Hayden,

We spent the whole day in our pajamas today because it was freezing outside and you were not feeling so good. We did a lot of fun things around the house, but your favorite activity from today was preparing your Valentine box for school! I like these quiet days when we don’t have to run from place to place and we can just enjoy some quiet time.

Love you,

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