Owen Patrick McCauley

Dear Owen,

Tonight at 7:34, you joined our family! You are a sweet, sweet baby and we are so lucky that you are here! You came screeching in to this great big place at 7 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 1/4 inches long. Owen means “desire born” and you are just that — our desire to have another sweet child come to life. We promise to love you without conditions, help you grow into the kind of man God wants you to be, and help you follow your dreams. Welcome to the world, big guy. We love you more than words can say.

Love you,
Mama and Dad

Dad cutting your cord

You and Dr. B.

First Pic with Mama and Dad – Just a few minutes old!

You – Brand New!

1 comment

One Response to “Owen Patrick McCauley”

  1. He is so adorable!! I am so happy for all of you!

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