Archive for October, 2010
Pumpkin Carving
Dear Hayden,
Today we carved a pumpkin! You decided that you wanted to carve a cat into the pumpkin since you are dressing up like a kitty tomorrow. It turned out great!
Love you,
Costume Parade
Dear Hayden,
Today you had a costume parade at school. You dressed up as Snow White for this event because your kitty costume (which you’ll wear on Halloween) was too hard to get in and out of for school. Your class had a really good time parading around the playground!
Love you,
Family Resemblence
Dear Baby,
Yesterday I had another ultrasound and they gave me this picture of you:
I can’t believe how much you look like your sister looked as a newborn! It’s incredible!
Hayden – 6 Days Old:
I can’t wait to meet you face-to-face!
Fun at the Fire Station
Dear Hayden,
Today, you had a school field trip to the fire station! I was unable to take you, so you went with Nana and Papa. It looks like you had a great time!
Waiting for the fun to begin:
Spraying the Hose:
Sitting in the Truck:
Ringing the Bell on the Truck:
You and the Truck:
Love you,
Finally, It Rained!
Dear Hayden,
Today the rain that you have been waiting for came! We went to Costco tonight, and you got to use your umbrella — you were SO excited!!
Love you,
School Happenings
Dear Hayden,
You have had a lot going on at school!
They celebrated your birthday with you, and you got to blow out the candles on the birthday can and then take the prize from inside of it:
They took school pictures:
Also, your class did animal clay projects for open house, which we went to last night. There were several projects out on the table. Many said, “A Monkey by Ava” or “A Snake by Bradley” but yours said, “I don’t know. I rolled it. by Hayden”
So, that’s what new at school!
Love you,
Wating for Rain
Dear Hayden,
You got an umbrella for your birthday, and you have been waiting for it to rain ever since! Today, the sky turned dark and the wind started to blow, so you headed outside with your umbrella. It didn’t rain while you were out there, but you had a good time waiting.
Love you,
Dear Hayden,
Today, you got your glasses. We went to the doctor for your well visit, and she suspected you might need them, so we went to another doctor who told us that you did. This isn’t surprising because both Dad and I, Grandma and Jiddoh, Nana and Papa, Uncle Ramsey and Uncle Darryl all need glasses! That’s everyone that you are immediately blood related to! You look pretty cute in them and you aren’t even putting up too much of a fight about wearing them, so that’s great!
Love you,
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