Archive for November, 2009

Trimming the Tree

Dear Hayden,

Holiday festivities are in full swing! We usually decorate for Christmas on Thanksgiving night, which Dad and I did after you went to sleep last night. We left you a little pile of decorations for the tree, and you had a great time putting them on this morning. Also, you have your own nativity scene (a great gift from Uncle Ramsey and Aunt Lisa) to play with, which is great because you LOVE to touch all the different people!

Love you,

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Dear Hayden,

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving in Tucson with Grandma, Jiddoh and some old and new friends. It was a very good time!

You ate a good dinner:

You explored in the yard:

You played with some new friends:

You managed to climb into 3 laps in time for 3 tastings of dessert:

Then, you looked longingly at the pool, but we had to explain that even though it was warm enough to eat and play outside, it was not warm enough to swim!

This year, I am most thankful for the health and happiness we enjoy as a family. We are so blessed to have each other!

Love you,

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Desert Museum

Dear Hayden,

We are in Tucson spending some time with Grandma and Jiddoh for the Thanksgiving holiday. Today we went to visit The Desert Museum. We had a fantastic time looking at all the animals and walking around. As we predicted — the birds were your favorite!!

Love you,

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Born to Ride

Dear Hayden,

Uncle Darryl is here to visit us for the next couple of weeks. We are all having a great time having him here… especially you! He reads to you, has chats with you and watches the NFL with you. Overall, this makes him a fantastic person in your life. Uncle D. also drives a motorcycle. Today, he let you sit on it and check it out! You are one lucky lady!

Love you,

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Thankful Tree

Dear Hayden,

Tonight, after dinner, we made a Thankful Tree. We wrote different things we are thankful for on the leaves — you loved looking at the different leaves. You are thankful for a lot of things, like swim school and Polly Pocket!

Love you,

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Pajamas + Fairy Outfit = Hilarious

Dear Hayden,

This morning, as soon as you got up, you wanted to put on your fairy skirt and wings. So, you put them on right over your penguin pajamas. (You call them pway-gin pajamas!) It was too hilarious to not snap a few photos!

Love you,

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