10 Months Old!
Dear Hayden,
Today you are 10 months old! This is unbelievable to me because I feel like you just came into our world yesterday — it has all gone by so fast! You are a teething machine — you cut the four center top teeth this week, and now you are working on two more just beside those! You weigh 23 pounds and you are 31.5 inches long! You are a very tall girl — you grow out of everything longways before you ever get the chance to fill it out! You are cruising everywhere on furniture, and when there isn’t furniture available — you are the fastest crawler I’ve ever seen! You are quite the babbler, too — there’s always some kind of gibberish coming out of your mouth! You wave bye-bye on command and clap on command now, too! You are so much fun!
Love you,
10 Months Old!
10 Months Old!
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