Archive for June, 2008

9 Months Old!

Dear Hayden,

Today you are 9 months old! You weigh 20.5 pounds and you are 30.5 inches long! You are quite a sweetie! Happy Monthday!


9 Months Old!

9 Months Old!

9 Months Old!

9 months old!

9 Months Old!

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Taking a Stand

Dear Hayden,

These days, you’d pretty much rather stand than do anything. You are completely UNinterested in crawling and you get antsy after sitting for a little while, even if you have some great toys and books to keep you entertained. I guess you’re one of those people who is always ready to take a stand.

Love you,


Big Girl

Moving Forward

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Your Dad Rocks.

Dear Hayden,

Today is Dad’s first Father’s Day and to put it simply — your dad rocks.


My Dad Rocks My Dad Rocks

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An Update!

Dear Hayden,

Here’s an update for you! You have quite a few things going on!

You are crawling:




Crawling 2

Crawling 3

Crawling 4

You are blowing bubbles and babbling CONSTANTLY:

Blowing Bubbles!

You are growing teeth:

2 Teeth

And, you are hanging out and having a great time:

Hanging Out

Happy Girl!

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Dear Hayden,

Today you went to Flagstaff for the first time. We took a day trip with Kristi to visit Shannon. Kristi and Shannon have been dear friends of mine since college. They are great ladies — just being around them makes me a better person. It was so fun to take you to Flagstaff, too, because it is such a special place for Dad and me — in fact, it is one of our favorite places. It’s so beautiful and green, and it is where we found each other! I know we’ll be up there a bunch of times as a family, and today was a nice introduction for you. It was a beautiful day and you had a great time!

Love you,

In Flagstaff with Kristi and Shannon
In Flagstaff with Shannon and Kristi

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Oh So Close!

Dear Hayden,

You are SO close to crawling! You’ve been scooting around, and you can move a few feet on your hands and knees, so you just need to put it all together and you will be in full forward motion! You sure look cute trying!

Love you,

Almost Crawling!

Almost Crawling!

Almost Crawling!

Almost Crawling!

Almost Crawling!

Almost Crawling!

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