Six Months Old!

Dear Hayden,

You are six months old today!! You are doing so many cool things — rolling all over, sitting up, and laughing constantly — just to name a few! We went to the doctor again — you are 28 inches long and you weigh 17.5 pounds! This half-year has absolutely flown by. We’re trying to enjoy every minute because we’re realizing that it won’t be long before you are driving a car… away from us and in whatever direction your dreams take you! You are an absolute joy. We love you more than life itself.

Love you,

Hayden Giraffe Trio
6 Months Old! (Mama LOVES Giraffes!)

6 Months Old!
Grabbing Your Own Feet!

6 Months Old!
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not!

6 Months Old!
On Your Blankee!

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