Happy Easter!

Dear Hayden,

Happy 1st Easter! You have a special Easter basket this first Easter — there are little flip flops, plastic bibs, a hair bow and a hat in it! The Easter bunny sure knew what you like best! Looks like he planned to stick some books in there, too, but they didn’t quite fit! We went to church this morning and we had dinner tonight at Nana and Papa’s. Uncle Darryl is home on leave from the Air Force, too, so it was special for us all to be together! As you could probably guess, I couldn’t resist taking pictures of you in your Easter dress!

Love you,

Easter Dress
Easter Dress

Easter Basket
Easter Basket

Family Photo
Family Photo

With Uncle Darryl and Andrea
Uncle Darryl and Andrea

Reading a New Book!
Reading a new book from Nana and Papa

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