Archive for March, 2008
Dear Hayden,
Last night, you had your first babysitters! Megan and Jeff came to spend the evening with you while we were at youth group because Nana and Papa were busy. Megan and Jeff are great with kiddos and we’re sure you had a great time!
Love you,
A Little Giraffe
Dear Hayden,
As you know, I love giraffes. Jackie got me this giraffe suit for you right after you were born. Had to share this sweet photo she took of you in it!
Motivation to Crawl
Dear Hayden,
I think you have found your motivation to crawl. Every time you see Zoom you reach for him. Sometimes he sees you and comes close enough for you to pet him, but most of the time he doesn’t notice you and he sits just outside of your reach. One of these days you’re going to start crawling just so you can get to him!
Love you,
A Special Moment
Dear Hayden,
I wanted to share with you a special moment that happens nearly every morning now. When I hear you start “talking” in the morning, I come in and pick you up out of your crib and hold you close to me. As soon as I do this, you look up at me and put one of your hands on each of my cheeks, and then you look at me for a moment and smile. It’s only a second or two, but it’s my favorite part of the day. I can’t remember a time in my life when anyone was this happy to see me! It is such a cool thing to be your mom!
Love you,
Happy Easter!
Dear Hayden,
Happy 1st Easter! You have a special Easter basket this first Easter — there are little flip flops, plastic bibs, a hair bow and a hat in it! The Easter bunny sure knew what you like best! Looks like he planned to stick some books in there, too, but they didn’t quite fit! We went to church this morning and we had dinner tonight at Nana and Papa’s. Uncle Darryl is home on leave from the Air Force, too, so it was special for us all to be together! As you could probably guess, I couldn’t resist taking pictures of you in your Easter dress!
Love you,
Reading a new book from Nana and Papa
Dear Hayden,
Tonight after you went to bed, I made your first baby food (besides rice cereal)! Starting tomorrow, you’ll enjoy squash, and a variety of other veggies! Dad took some pictures while I was making purees for you tonight. I pureed squash, avocados and sweet potatoes. Tomorrow I will do peas and green beans. I made a big mess, but it was so easy and fun to make your food!
Love you,
Single Serving Trays (AKA Ice Cube Trays)
Avocado, Sweet Potatoes, Yellow Squash
Six Months Old!
Dear Hayden,
You are six months old today!! You are doing so many cool things — rolling all over, sitting up, and laughing constantly — just to name a few! We went to the doctor again — you are 28 inches long and you weigh 17.5 pounds! This half-year has absolutely flown by. We’re trying to enjoy every minute because we’re realizing that it won’t be long before you are driving a car… away from us and in whatever direction your dreams take you! You are an absolute joy. We love you more than life itself.
Love you,
6 Months Old! (Mama LOVES Giraffes!)
Easter Bunny!
Dear Hayden,
Today you met the Easter Bunny for the first time. You thought he was hilarious — you were cracking up!
Love you,
The Laundry Seat
Dear Hayden,
You don’t like to be left out — even if I’m just working on the laundry! Usually you jump in your doorway jumper while I switch and fold the loads. It’s great because we can chat while I get the work done. You love that jumper, and I’m grateful for it because it gives you something to do while the laundry gets done! Today I got some cute pictures of you in it — I never want to forget that we had some great talks over laundry!
Love you,
First Photos with Elijah
Dear Hayden,
Today Elizabeth and I decided to take our first pictures of you and Elijah. We put you in letter onesies that I made for you and started taking pictures! By the end, you both had had enough! Cherish these photos because it won’t be long before Elijah is taller than you!
Love you,