You’re in Good Hands.

Dear Owen,

At your two month well visit, Dr. V. told us that you have a bit of a head shape issue. We’re getting you the best care possible, and doing everything we can to resolve the issue. I’ll be honest, though. I’m a little nervous because there’s a potential that you’ll need surgery and you’re most likely going to have some time in a helmet, which may make you uncomfortable. It makes my heart hurt to think of you in any pain at all.

All this has me praying. A lot.

This is what I am praying for:
1. Miracle after miracle in scheduling your appointments. The waiting is not easy!
2. That your case will either be miraculous, requiring no intervention at all or simple, requiring only the helmet.
3. That if you do have to have surgery, that it would be able to be scheduled in the most timely manner possible, that it would be correctable with only one procedure and that the procedure would happen without a single complication.
4. That Dad and I could embrace and truly know what Jesus teaches in Matthew 6 about worrying. (“…But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself …”)

I’ve asked so many people who love you to pray these things with me. You’ve got a whole team in your corner.

Also, you should know that Uncle Ramsey is in your corner, too. He’s watching closely and going to help us however he can. You are so very lucky to have an uncle who was trained to help you before you were even born!

Above all, we are grateful to God, who is the author of all wisdom, the inventor of all science, and the creator of all modern medicine. We are grateful for the call He placed on the lives of all of the doctors who will see you and treat you in the next few months. We are grateful that while this is a condition that involves a somewhat alarming treatment, there is no indication that you will not heal completely from this and live a completely normal life.

I’ve told you before, but your name means “desire born” and you are just that for us. We prayed for you for over 2 years before we met you on November 16th. My personal story of God’s work and love in my life is completely told in what God taught me while waiting, praying, hoping for, loving and finally meeting you. While I am very nervous about some of the treatments you may face, I believe God’s promise that this, too, will come together for our good. (Romans 8:28)

I know God has you in His hands, which means you are in the best hands of all.

Love you,

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